If you haven’t read some of the ‘must reads’ like Poor Dad Rich Dad, The Alchemist, The Richest Man in Babylon, The Secret (just watch the documentary. It’s much better), perhaps this will not be the best place to start. So I recommend you to read those first to build a (basic) foundation and then come back here to start your journey. Think of these books mentioned earlier as you packing your bags and this blog as you at the station platform waiting for your train to arrive.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Think Rich to Get Rich! (2005) by T. Harv Eker

Written by the collective consciousness known as Abraham channeled through Esther Hicks, who inspired the original idea of The Secret. The documentary, which was going to be a TV series in Australia, was in its final stages of production when the idea of turning it into a film surfaced. This led to contractual changes that didn't ‘sit too well’ with Esther and her husband Jerry forcing them to pull out of the project. The narrations you see in the film today were originally interviews with Abraham. They simply voiced over them.

Ask and It Is Given (2004) by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Written by the collective consciousness known as Abraham channelled through Esther Hicks, who inspired the original idea of The Secret. The documentary, which was going to be a TV series in Australia, was in its final stages of production when the idea of turning it into a film surfaced. This led to contractual changes that didn't ‘sit too well’ with Esther and her husband Jerry forcing them to pull out of the project. The narrations you see in the film today were originally interviews with Abraham. They simply voiced over them.